Håkan Stenlund
Father. Writer. Flyfisher. Bird hunter. Content manager at Swedish Lapland Visitors Board. Patagonia Ambassador. And low budget environmentalist.
Mount LuossavaaraKiruna, April 7, 2024. It is a Tuesday in April and spring has made a sudden appearance in Kiruna. Cars have much in the same way made their appearance in the car park at the bottom of the Luossavaar... 37
2024-12-19 |
DundretFirst of all, we hear voices. We are in the fir forest along the trail known as ‘Femman’ at the back of Dundret, where it borders a nature reserve. The voice rings out in a classic Gällivare accent, t... 37
2024-12-04 |
Arctic homefoodPerhaps the smallest restaurant in the world. In Kaalasjärvi between Kiruna and Nikkaluokta, in the middle of a straight part of the road that feels awfully long, a sign indicates the turnoff for Arct... 28
2024-06-14 |
Eating outYou know there is about to be some serious cooking going on when the chef arrives armed with both a wheelbarrow and a spade. Tommi Tuominen from the restaurant Finnjävel in Helsinki stands next to the... 28
2024-04-02 |
Moving townsOne afternoon in october, I’m stopping at what was once the model community of Laver, in the Municipality of Älvsbyn. In the middle of the forest stand what remains of an industrial project that was a... 28
2024-02-28 |
By a hole in the iceFishing stories Fishing on ice – whether it be on the first, brittle ice of the season or on the metre-thick ice armour of late winter – appeals to a certain kind of person. To make the fishing trip a... 28
2023-12-09 |
Sápmi talesResistance art On display at the 59th La Biennale di Venezia, as part of the exhibition “Il Latte dei Sogni – Milk of dreams”, are works by Britta Marakatt-Labba. The classical sculpture Brickhouse, b... 28
2023-11-01 |
A seasonal
2023-09-29 |
The chefThe short version The following was overheard in the restaurant at Niehku Mountain Villa in Riksgränsen, as a group having dinner walked over to get some cheese and have a chat with the chefs in the k... 31
2023-09-17 |
Konsthall TornedalenA quiet sigh Theodor Ringborg hangs up his phone, and perhaps I hear a quiet sigh. He has just spoken to a journalist wanting to know “when he will put his shovel in the ground [referring to Konsthall... 28
2023-09-01 |
LaponiaFive in the morning, on a clear day in July. The view from Vákkudakvárátja, just above the STF cabin in Vákkudavarre, towards Áhkká, is glorious indeed. Still, the word glorious is not enough to descr... |
2023-07-08 |
Railway travelMemories and hearsay Somewhere beyond Bastuträsk the train rolls resolutely into the destination known as Swedish Lapland. In Lillvattnet, alias Jörn, famous Swedish writer Sara Lidman’s Jernbaneepos ... |
2023-06-28 |
Naming a mountainSweden’s highest point The first time I climbed Giebmegáisi was in another time, another life. It was in the 90s, and during winter. My friends and I from the Mountain Guide Programme in Storuman asce... 37
2023-06-22 |
The promised landThe tie that binds If you believe in the motto of Svenska Bastuakademien, The Swedish Sauna Academy, only truth prevails in the sauna. Then perhaps you have asked yourself this question: Can one find ... 28
2023-06-11 |
The big closing partyTen years later In 2023, Riksgränsen Banked Slalom celebrated its 10 year anniversary. It all started like the legendary banked slalom in Mount Baker, and has today grown into one of the finest closin... 31
2023-05-11 |
The Genius of the PlaceLike coming home Artists Tjåsa Gusfors and Ulrika Tallving pause from building a suite at Icehotel No. 33. Outside, it’s -20 degrees Celsius, a light westerly wind is blowing and early traces of the N... 28
2023-05-05 |
Bjarke IngelsThe first impression On a sunny day in mid-June, we enter the brand-new room Biosphere at Treehotel. World-famous architect Bjarke Ingels leads the way. It’s his first meeting with the new room too. H... 21
2022-11-14 |
Out on the islandSounds and sayings travel far on the island. Over my morning coffee, I hear two gentlemen having a conversation in the marina below. It’s still, and the sun has been up since midnight. That’s if it ev... 29
2022-05-18 |
The Wood HotelHotel manager David Åberg and restaurateur Carina Brydling are sitting in the magnificent staircase of Sara Kulturhus in Skellefteå. The newly build cultural center that’s part of the entrance to The ... 27
2022-05-17 |
A night at the museumWhat would a museum tell you, if it got the chance? Like in the film Night at the Museum where Ben Stiller plays night security guard Larry Daley, and the Museum of Natural History comes to life durin... 28
2022-04-23 |
VuoggatjålmeThey say homesickness is a primordial force. Many of us have at some point along the way suddenly found ourselves longing for home, and one of our oldest stories is about the prodigal son who returns ... 27
2022-01-11 |
Ski in Swedish LaplandGood vibes In may, in the lobby of Hotell Riksgränsen, the competitors are waiting with bated breath. The winner of this year’s SBMC will soon be announced. Celebrating 30 years this year, the extreme... 31
2021-11-17 |
Arthotel TornedalenOn a beautiful day in early summer, beautiful as only early summer can be in the Torne Valley, I park my car by a red house in the village Vitsaniemi in the Torne Valley. Gunhild Stensmyr steps out of... 27
2021-10-25 |
A bit more njálggeShe stands in the middle of a field of stinging nettles, smiling. Gloves, thick trousers and rubber boots all help, of course. Eva Gunnare, one of Swedish Lapland’s most exciting food ambassadors, is ... 21
2021-10-21 |
The eagle’s nestThis December morning is still a bit grey, and chilly as a scent of coffee starts to fill Conny Lundström’s kitchen in Kalvträsk. The winter sun seems to be in no hurry to make an appearance. Wildlife... 29
2021-07-06 |
Gourmet hikingWe left a little too late from Björkliden on our hike to Låktatjåkko mountain station. Guidebooks and information usually say it is nine kilometres. But take it with a pinch of salt because it can be ... 37
2021-06-23 |
The edible countryOn a Tuesday evening in June, I turn off route E45 just south of Avaviken. A short gravel road leads to a parking lot I have long intended to park in. I grab my rucksack and hike the steep path up to ... 21
2021-06-15 |
The summer coastThe year was 1944. The world was at war, and allied forces had just carried out Operation Neptune, D Day. At home in Jävre, electrician Elof Söderberg wandered about, wondering what to do with his rec... 27
2021-06-15 |
Frida Lind-Oja“At least it gives you rosy cheeks”, Frida Lind Oja says, laughing. She says that her minimum temperature for the ski track is minus 20, sometimes a bit colder. She also says she is grateful that she ... 31
2021-05-28 |
Travelling wellSand between my toes I step out of the cold Bothnian Bay, surrounded by kilometre-long stretches of sand, the open sea and one of Sweden’s most remarkable campsite stories: Pite Havsbad. Spring has be... 31
2021-04-22 |
The Palm FamilyAbisko, May 15, 2020. Nothing is as it should this winter, except mountain guide Stefan Palm’s raccoon look. Despite the fact that it has snowed five metres, or more, in the Riksgränsen mountains, and... 31
2021-04-20 |
Fly fisher for lifeThere are so many things involved in mountain fishing. If you interview mountain fishers, they speak of friendship, nature and tranquillity. Only rarely do they approach the heart of the matter: if th... 31
2021-04-16 |
In sauna veritasSauna Academy “In sauna there is truth”, at least that is what the Swedish Sauna Academy claims with its slogan: In sauna veritas. But if you grew up with sauna talk at home as well as at the public b... 28
2021-04-16 |
Biking the mountainsMountain biker and World Cup medallist Steffi Marth is sat in the Lobby Bar at Niehku Mountain Villa in Riksgränsen, smiling. She has been biking in the Arctic environment of the Kiruna mountains for ... 37
2021-04-16 |
At the outmost rimNo one knows exactly when the island Malören rose from the sea. Given the speed of post-glacial rebound in the Bothnian Bay archipelago, it should have been a thousand years ago, give and take a few h... 27
2020-12-10 |
ÁrbediehtuWhen she turned 18, her father registered a company in her name. That’s just how things are in the Nutti family. “While I was growing up, I noticed that people were always working. For me, work is a n... 28
2020-11-19 |
The embroidered
2020-11-17 |
The gold of the Bothnian Bay“Kalix Löjrom makes you happy”, it is as easy as that. Simon Laiti is busy in his food studio at Hemmagastronomi in Luleå. He is creating a three-course Kalix Löjrom testing menu for a dinner party an... 21
2020-11-13 |
VisutAt Nutti Sámi Siida in Jukkasjärvi, a reindeer named Bulmmot eats from my hand. I have a handful of fodder pellets, and Bulmmot seems to like them about as much as I like a bag of candy. Bulmmot is No... 28
2020-10-30 |
The great race of mercyOn February 2, 1925, the Norwegian Gunnar Kaasen entered the town Nome as a hero with his dog sled team and his lead dog Balto. He delivers ten kilos of vaccine to a town affected by the deadly epidem... 21
2020-10-26 |
World’s best place for northern lightsOn a beautiful Tuesday night, we take the chairlift from the village of Abisko towards the top of mount Njullá. It’s cold and crisp, the full moon is out, and the stars are abundant. We see a faint gr... 29
2020-10-01 |
Architectural dreamsBertil Harström, a fly fisherman and architect, has already turned 70. This afternoon he takes a stroll outside Arctic Bath, a cold bath-house on the Lule River outside Harads. The concept was born al... 12
2020-10-01 |
The aurora whispererNorthern light photographer Mia Stålnacke has a squirrel on her balcony, and she’s named it Galileo. It’s no coincidence. Galileo Galilei gave the northern lights their Latin name, aurora borealis, an... 21
2020-09-28 |
The Arctic lightKaamos If you translate it directly, Kaamos means – darkness. But those who live in the polar regions know that’s not the case. It’s how the snow magically reflects blue light; Kaamos is the word used... 29
2020-09-06 |
The food storyFilleting fish by a lake called Sårgåjávrre stand Lennart Pittja and chef Johan Eriksson. The morning’s catch will be just enough for the evening meal. A fire has been lit in the old smoking hut. This... 21
2020-08-23 |
The woodsA steady, refreshing breeze blows through the forest at Arctic Retreat. Sometimes the wind grabs hold of the trees around the log cabin, where I am staying. The trees sway gently in time with Nature. ... 29
2020-08-22 |
Photograph the northern lightsThere are many talented guides and operators offering tours where you get to take photos of the northern lights. Peter Rosén, Chad and Linnea Blakely, both in Abisko, and Sámi photographers Ylva Sarri... 29
2020-07-05 |
Shooting autumn colours1. Location The famous photographer Sven Hörnell from Riksgränsen, in the Kiruna mountains, once said, when asked if it was expensive to use so much film: “Film is never expensive, it’s the moment tha... 29
2020-07-04 |
The waterwaysIt is a clear, but slightly chilly early summer morning in the forest. The night mist lingers like minute clouds in the deep valley of the Laisälven river. The rays of the sun have yet to reach all th... 37
2020-05-19 |
The secret stone valley— What is this?! Have you seen anything cooler than this, Zach? American photographer Andy Anderson calls out to his son and it echos through the Stone Valley. But his son doesn’t answer; he seems abs... 27
2020-05-19 |
Archipelago daysDon’t let’s anticipate here, but I can tell you that the whole idea of going island hopping in the Bothnian Bay archipelago wasn’t exactly my son’s idea. It was mine. It was based on that ancient prov... 31
2020-05-17 |
Out of receptionMikael Vinka has a passion for the history of his ancestors. Even as a child the older generation saw that he loved listening to the tales they told and that he would pass on the stories and the knowl... 27
2020-05-10 |
The longest silenceBut that doesn’t happen very often. Most fish are ridiculously small, hardly worth mentioning. Honestly, who wants to hear the story about when you caught a couple of char that was big enough to fill ... 31
2020-05-01 |
Gravel roadsNalovardo, June, at the peak. Without stopping at the turning area by the top cabin, I pedal on along the road that leads to the peak cairn: a kind of mountain stage, or Strava segment, that I have ma... 37
2020-04-28 |
A stay in historyLenin was here. And then he went home and started a revolution. There is a blue plaque in the waiting room at Haparanda train station that tells us how Lenin, the old comrade, stopped here in Haparand... 27
2020-04-23 |
Beach life in the ArcticThe inland ice is actually the reason why I have sand between my toes. Walking along kilometre-long sandy beaches in the Bothnian Bay archipelago or hiking in the mountains, it’s hard to imagine that ... 31
2020-04-20 |
A road trip for the hungryIn the old days, you could be arrested for loitering. Ambling along in the world without plans was seen as very suspicious behaviour. These days it’s different, and spending a day doing nothing is mor... 21
2020-04-13 |
The chef and
2020-04-09 |
The King of all trailsSweden’s most famous hiking trail, Kungsleden, initially went from A to A. From Abisko to Ammarnäs, or vice versa. It was not until 1975 that the trail was extended to go past the King’s fishing spot ... 37
2020-03-30 |
The way we eatKaffeost In Tornedalen, the coffee cheese is called kahvijuusto, and in Swedish, we call it kaffeost. It could be a fresh cheese that in many ways resembles the Italian mozzarella. But in northern Swe... 21
2020-03-28 |
The BestsellerI call Mattias Fredriksson on a Saturday. He’s out taking biking pictures with Janne Tjärnström, a Kiruna native. We agree that I’ll call Mattias the next day, so that’s what I do: “Hi Håkan, the weat... 31
2020-03-21 |
Driving on iceEric Gallardo drives fast. The chicane on what’s a perfect copy of the formula-1 track, Paul Ricard, on the metre-thick ice of Lake Uddjaur comes up very quickly. Unlike Eric Gallardo’s own knuckles o... 37
2020-03-16 |
The call of the wild“And through another winter they wandered on the obliterated trails of men who had gone before. Once, they came upon a path blazed through the forest, an ancient path, and the Lost Cabin seemed very n... 37
2020-03-14 |
A place to preserveRed log cabins in a kind of organised chaos around one of northern Sweden’s most beautiful churches – this might not be a completely accurate picture of World Heritage Gammelstad, but that’s what it f... 28
2020-03-13 |
Arctic fikaIn the middle of the village square, in Arjeplog, a stone’s throw from Silvermuseet, you’ll find Arjeplogs Vilt & Kafé. Step inside to try a coffee experience with a difference – and at the same time,... 28
2020-03-12 |
Adapted for the ArcticIt is not by chance that the reindeer on Svalbard are short-legged, while the reindeer of the woodland Sámi villages in Sápmi have longer legs. Long legs are a disadvantage on mountain slopes swept by... 29
2020-03-11 |
The higher landPadjalanta/Badjelánnda means the higher land in Lulesámi. It’s Sweden’s largest national park, right next to the Norwegian border. The Padjelanta National Park is a part of the World Heritage Site Lap... 37
2020-03-09 |
Chad chose AbiskoChad Blakley’s interest in photography began at an early age. As a teenager, he worked for a local newspaper in a small town outside New Orleans, Louisiana. During his college years, he started a smal... 21
2020-03-07 |
The national parksMost things in life aren’t as obvious as they might seem. On one side of lake Torneträsk, we find Vádvečohkka (Vadvetjåkka) National Park, one of Sweden’s wettest areas. On the other side of the same ... 29
2020-03-01 |
The Nordenskiöld RaceIt’s hard to know what goes through the head of someone who’s about to travel 200 km on skis. Probably a lot of things. There are a lot of skiers too. Every year, around 30,000 skiers participate in V... 37
2020-02-20 |
Between two worlds“Kukkola is a village in Karl Gustav’s parish in Haparanda municipality, next to the Torne River, just over ten kilometres north of Haparanda along Highway 99″, I read about Kukkola on Wikipedia. But ... 27
2020-02-09 |
MuohtaIt was the best skiing of the season. From the top of the chairlift and down to the forest line, the snow was deep as a ski boot and completely virgin. But how would you define ‘the best skiing of the... 29
2020-02-02 |
The travels of a Solar EggRiksbyggen’s sauna Solar Egg has been on a tour and become globally famous. The sauna was created by the artist duo Bigert & Bergström and exhibited for the first time in spring-winter 2017 at Luossav... 12
2020-01-31 |
Sweden’s highest mountain stationI’ve been here plenty of times — in summer as well as in winter — and I guess that’s why I’m already thinking about the waffles. I’m trying to decide whether to go for cloudberry or raspberry jam. Sti... 27
2020-01-30 |
A hideaway for all seasons... 27
2020-01-29 |
Treehotel — a design favouriteA slow walk through the birch forest that surrounds the path between breakfast at the Treehotel restaurant and my room, the Mirrorcube, soon reveals the grandeur of the hotel. The beautiful birch fore... 12
2020-01-28 |
Jokkmokk’s marketYou’ve got to expect the normal market knick-knacks, of course. There are the helium balloons, t-shirts with novelty prints and sweets that will make your blood sugar level hit the roof. But you’ll al... 28
2020-01-17 |
Into the winter“Thank you for this weekend”. “Thank you. It’s always fun to experience something that’s better than it really is”. Outside Hotel Riksgränsen two friends thank each other for the nice company during t... 37
2020-01-14 |
Living in a dreamWest of the classic mountain hotel in the Kiruna mountain world, and near the Norwegian border, at the old locomotive depot in Riksgränsen, is Niehku Mountain Villa. Niehku that translates into ‘dream... 12
2020-01-10 |
The master’s
2020-01-08 |
At Pinetree LodgeFive kilometres from where the public road ends in Kangos, outside of Pajala, is where you find Pinetree Lodge in Särkimukka. Four people live there: Johan, Sara, and their two children. And one hundr... 37
2020-01-01 |
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Winter swim with Christof WandratschWhen extreme swimmer Christof Wandratsch became the first person to cross lake Boden and broke the world record across the English channel, he found himself looking for new challenges. He found winter... 21
2019-01-21 |
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Skating under the northern lightsThe Dutch filmmaker Marco Lubbers had a dream: To go speedskating under the northern lights. And he also wanted to make a film about it. For that, he travelled to Swedish Lapland. Marco Lubbers is a f... 37
2016-12-16 |
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5 questions to 5 Sámi designersSámi design comes in many shapes. Some of Sweden’s coolest designers have taken the Sámi expression further – to put some excitement into everyday life. ... 28
2016-11-28 |
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The vulgata rallyOne of nature’s most beautiful displays takes place during a couple of weeks every summer. A mayfly called Ephemera vulgata hatches, and every single fish in the lake go crazy when presented with such... 31
2016-06-20 |